Providing educational and informational opportunities for a diverse and multi-generational community of learners.
All classes will be held at the RVR Bank Education Center located at the Main Bank – 1005 East 23rd Street, Fremont, NE 68025.
Upcoming RVR University Classes:
Have an idea for a class? Something you’ve always wanted to learn?
Others may share your interest. Please call Cindy Slykhuis at 402-753-4214 or via email to let us know. RVR Bank is accepting ideas now for upcoming classes. You are also welcome to contact Cindy if you have questions about the current class schedule.
We look forward to opening our bank in school branches at Arlington Elementary School, Archbishop Bergan Elementary School, Linden Elementary School and Trinity Lutheran School each fall. The branches provide elementary students the opportunity to not only learn about savings and how banks operate, but to become savers themselves. We are building a community of economists and want these young people to become savvy savers. The bank in school branches operate during the school year.
The student accounts opened in school are only active at their respective school branches. Withdrawals are only allowed when the student leaves the school or graduates the elementary school. The branches are open weekly during the school year. Students have their own ledgers to record their deposits. In lieu of interest, children receive incentives provided by RVR Bank when they make deposits into their savings accounts – based on consistent savings and amount of savings.
The bank is staffed by students from each school. They are joined by staff from the bank as well.
Students must have a signed permission slip by a parent or guardian on file in order to participate. However, permission slips can be completed anytime throughout the year.
Leadership Fremont presented by RVR Bank
Leadership Fremont is a nine-month series of leadership development activities and community awareness sessions that enhance knowledge about Fremont. Participants tour local, regional and state points of interest to gain contextual information about the inner workings of government, businesses and community service organizations. Applications are available each year from mid-July to mid-August and the Leadership Fremont program year runs from September through May. RVR Bank has been a proud sponsor of this Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce program since 2011-12.
Applications are currently being accepted for the 2024-25 year until Friday, August 9, 2024.
Leadership Midland presented by RVR Bank
Leadership Midland is designed to assist participants in developing leadership skills and expanding their awareness of the social, economic and political challenges facing the Fremont community. Applications are available each spring at Midland University with interviews and selections made in March/April. The Leadership Midland program is a monthly half day session held from September through April. RVR Bank is excited to be the 2023-24 inaugural sponsor of this Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce program.
Leadership Washington County presented by RVR Bank
Leadership Washington County is a program designed to meet the community’s need for active participation of informed and dedicated community leaders. The 9-month program is a series of seminars, tours and networking opportunities designed to promote a better understanding of the community, build and enhance leadership skills, and develop a strong network of community leaders. This program is held every other year (in even years) with applications due on January 31st and the program running from March through November. RVR Bank was thrilled to add this Washington County Chamber of Commerce program to our sponsored leadership programs in 2022.
Youth Leadership Academy presented by RVR Bank
Similar in structure to the adult Leadership Fremont, YLA is targeted at high school juniors. Added to the curriculum are hands-on immersive activities in civics led by Fremont’s mayor and group projects that end with public presentations. Applications are available each year through Fremont High School and Archbishop Bergan in April with interviews and selections made in May. The Youth Leadership Academy program year runs from September through May. RVR Bank has been a proud sponsor of this Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce program since 2017-18.